The Beatitudes Of Christmas

Pierre Fontenot Thursday, January 5, 2017 Comments Off on The Beatitudes Of Christmas
The Beatitudes Of Christmas

Blessed are they who get underwear for Christmas.  Our family trees have been around since around was around, but only since WWII have we had the affluence to get so many, for so cheap.  That we may groan when we squeeze the squishy packages does not negate the blessing.

Blessed are they who imagine the departed being able to attend unseen.  What gifts they bring, but those not sold, prayers for things that matter.

Blessed are they with Charlie Brown trees.  Better yet, to remember strings of popcorn…

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It Beats The Alternative

Blessed are they who appreciate being alive at Christmas.  I was born between two siblings who never got to celebrate even one.  Most of the people who were my time proven betters are beyond the reach of anything but my missing them…

Blessed are the grateful, for it is a good thing to be full of.

Blessed are those who are fighting for life at Christmas.  That you value your life means you value your soul.  Blessed are their caregivers, doing angel work, with no official wings.

Blessed are they with hope.  It seems such a harmless word, until you’ve known despair, and find hope to be a rope, to faith, and to the only One worthy of faith.

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All Glasses Are Half Full At Christmas

Blessed are the peacemakers at Christmas.  If lies can be honorable then a forced smile is a whiter shade of gray.  You end up empty, until you look around, and realize that part of why they’ll gather again next year is because you made everybody belong.

Blessed are they with young children, for the window of innocence is ever smaller, and precious is the wholesome wonder of the first few Christmases.

Blessed are they who meet the season with no problems.  That they may not know that it is grace does not disqualify them from more grace.

Blessed are they whose load is heavy.  The reason for the season is for all, but especially for you.

Blessed are they who still need things.  There is a lack in not having the basics, but the surprise of life is the great now-what when you reach that place where you need nothing that can be bought.  If you haven’t gotten there, don’t be in a hurry.

Blessed are they who have peace in the home.  The calendar does not always coincide with the cycles of relationships.

Blessed are they whose children married smart.  Oil and water may fill the same vessel, but they’ll never mix.

Blessed is the family who has a spiritual leader.  Sheep, sheep, everywhere sheep: what every flock needs is a shepherd who has the ear of The One with the rod and staff.

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The Good Behind The Good

Blessed are they who have traditions and someone who keeps them going.

Blessed are they who make new traditions.  Before there was a box to think out of, someone had to invent the first box.

Blessed are they who have known a white Christmas.  We Louisiana people may not know the color, but at least we grew up with Charles Brown singing Please Come Home For Christmas.

Blessed are they with ripe hearts at Christmas.  There is no true giving, nor receiving, when the heart is rusty and feelings are crusty.

Blessed are they with faith matching the season.  Having had faith, having lost it, having found it again, I report as someone who’s been to war.  It was a long journey but it returned me to an alpha question – what is behind Good, and what is behind Evil…

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This edition of Uncle P’s Bedtime Stories is brought to you by Eighty-one, where we believe something very Good is behind Christmas.  

Uncle P’s Bedtime Stories can be found on the Eighty-one Facebook page.  Greetings and salutations can be delivered to

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