Az I write dis article, early votin iz goin on for de March 25 elections. An considerin de number runnin in several races, I know we ain’t trew hearin candidates tellin us how great day are an why you should vote for dem.
Now dat goes not only for de city uf Lake Charles, but also for several udder cities in our area. Get ready for mo promises (an maybe even some attackin) az de run-off iz headin our way on April 29.
We will have a complete breakdown uf what you will be votin on in dat race in our next issue. But for now, I say be ready to vote every election. An if you ain’t registered to vote, jus call de Calcasieu Parish Registrar uf Voters office an dar friendly staff will tell you how an where to register.
An if you register an you don’t vote an you complain about your gubment, den shame on you. Voters pick de officials based on who’s runnin. An dem what’s elected, not always de cream uf de crop, can tax de bajesus out uf us, an sometimes dem taxes stick wit us for years. So if you say you have no reason to register an vote, you better tink again.
Jeff Landry At Odds With Flooded Folks
You may recall dat in August uf last year, a whole buncha rain fell in Baton Rouge an de surroundin area. An az we well know from our Rita days, when you have a disaster like dat, some less-dan-honest folks show up to fix peoples’ homes an take dar money an skip.
Well some uf dem good-for-nuttins hit de Baton Rouge area after dem heavy rains. You may recall hearin about one feller who had clipped 60 residents. Well, dem folks want someone to prosecute dem clippers for fraud. An Attorney General Jeff Landry sed it’s up to local prosecutors to handle dis.
De folks what got clipped say Landry iz de one who should be takin de bad guys to court. Some folks claimed day talked to Landry folks who sed day are “overwhelmed” an can’t handle de fraud. On WAFB-TV in Baton Rouge, Landry recently sed dat claim wuz simply “fake news.”
Now dar’s a term we’ve herd a lot lately. We jus hope dem what have done wrong are sent to jail, because next time we have a hurricane in dis area, we want de bad guys dat come here to scam de elderly to be handled by de right public officials.
How Bout A City-Parish Form Uf Gubment?
KPLC interviewed all de candidates for mayor uf Lake Charles and dat wuz good. It gave dem what didn’t have a lot uf money de chance to be seen an heard.
One statement caught my attention — an I bet it got de attention uf police jurors an city council members an mayors in our parish. Gary Monbelly sed he taught dar should be a city-parish form uf gubment like Lafayette an some udder parishes have. Dat would mean no mayors an no city council members. In dat way, you would have no service duplication — just a parish president an a certain number uf parish commissioners who would be full-time an take care uf roads, drainage an public works an udder issues.
Imagine all de money we could be savin. Works pretty good in Lafayette an de state uf Texas.
Letters To De Editor Catch My Attention
De parade uf letters for de Bayou Bridge Pipeline continue every Sunday in de American Press.
If you haven’t heard, some oil companies are proposin a 30-inch pipeline to run from Nederland all de way to a refinery in St. James Parish. Now, de proposed project iz opposed by a buncha Southwest Louisiana folks who make dar livin off de Atchafalaya Basin.
Durin’ a heated meetin attended by 400 folks in Baton Rouge a few months ago, one uf dem oil boys claimed dat dem what wuz against de pipeline wuz a buncha dem green folks dat wuzn’t from here.
De in favor letter in de March 12 issue uf de American Press pointed out all de usual economic impact figures an how day wuz were for protectin de environment, etc. Dis “for Bayou Bridge” letter wuz written by a Major Gen. Spider Marks from Washington … D.C.
De Chargin Indians Did It
Before a packed Burton Coliseum, de Washington Marion Chargin Indians did what dar school had not done in 30 years … win a state championship.
Now, many what wuz at de game remember how de Indians fell jus short las year an day didn’t want to see a repeat. You know what day say about comin close … it’s hard to come back de followin year.
Well, de Indians came back an day remembered las year an day wuzn’t about to let dat happen again.
Congratulations to de Indians for doin SWLA proud by beatin Ellender for de state title 66-58.
Let’s Celebrate
De city uf Lake Charles iz 150 years old, an some celebration activities are startin to take shape. Mark your calendar for April 22. At 3 pm on dat date, a time capsule will be opened at de Historic City Hall Arts And Cultural Center. Dat same day at 4:30, we will have a parade on downtown Ryan Street. An at 5:30 at de Arcade Amphitheatre, de city will have a family concert. Watch for mo events trewout de year.
Who’ll Be De New Prez?
McNeese President Dr. Philip Williams, who haz served az president since July, 2010, will step down at de end uf June. De selection process to find a replacement iz under way.
Considerin de state wuz cuttin money at every turn, I tink he did a great job. I know he will be missed by community leaders an dem what worked with him every day. I hope pickin a new president doesn’t turn into a political football. Thank you for your service, Dr. Williams.
Way To Go, Jim
Chuck Yeager once said de way to become a famous test pilot wuz to keep from havin a street named after you. Well, in de reportin bidness, de way to become famous is to live long enough to be inducted into de La. Political Hall of Fame. Dat happened to retired American Press editor Jim Beam recently.
Jim is widely respected trewout de state an in our community. An although officially retired, he still takes great pride in writin a commentary for de American Press.
His real age is still a mystery. I always say when he was born de Dead Sea wuzn’t even sick.
Deep Taughts Watchin De March Madness Selections
10) Why do they call it March Madness if it ends in April?
9) Did T-Claude really eat one uf dem 28-ounce steaks at dat steakhouse in
8) McNeese beat LSU 5-4. An how much bigger iz de LSU baseball budget?
7) When iz my buddy Kevin gonna let me have some crawfish outta hiz pond?
6) Are day gonna have a parade for Washington Marion for winnin de state
basketball title?
5) Why did my cousin get all mad when my wife Sedonia told her my crawfish
bisque were better?
4) Who isn’t mad at de Saints for tradin Brandon Cooks?
3) Iz Gonzaga a college or a skin disease?
2) Why do Max an Slim argue so much when we go to lunch?
1) Who iz de cooyon who invented dis time change?
Final Shot
I tol my fran Lefty dat de way to steam crawfish wuz to make fun uf dar religion. He sed dat joke wuz older dan Calhoun hiz coon dog. Man dat hurt.
‘Til next time, lache pas la patate.
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