When you go to vote, be shore you are ready. In addition to de long list uf candidates for de U.S. Senate (dar are 24) and president, you will have a long list from which to pick for congress.
An den dar’s always de long list uf amendments. Some folks jus automatically vote no, claimin it’s too confusin to decide, an since de politicians put em on de ballot, dey can’t be any good.
But dat may not be so. Read dem ammendments beforehand, an mark dem. You can take a piece uf paper wit you inside de voting machine, to make sure dat you don’t stay in dar too long.
Early votin in our parish an trewout de state begins Oct. 25, an will continue through Nov. 1. If you want to vote early, you don’t need an excuse. If you are planning a duck hunt, or a visit to an LSU game, you can still vote. Early voting will take place at de Clerk uf Courts office in Lake Charles, de Sulphur City Annex, and de Moss Bluff Liberry.
But Dar’s More
De race for Mayor of Lake Charles and several udder municipalities will be held on March 25, and qualifyin is Jan. 11-13. We have seen several announced candidates for de mayor’s office.
De latest is Marshall Simien. He is expected to be a very strong candidate, and could be in de runoff. Naturally, dar will be mo interest in de senate and congressional race, both uf which will have runoffs on Dec. 10.
One ting’s for shore about our state and area — we’ll always have elections goin on.
Hot Race For State Supreme Court
It iz not unusual for senatorial or congressional candidates to attack each other in a race, but we cannot remember judicial candidates attackin each other.
Of course, we are talkin about Marilyn Castle an Jimmy Genovese.
Now, de Castle commercial iz paid for by a Political Action Committee dat shows a Baton Rouge address, but still, Castle had to approve it.
In de commercial, a woman stands in front of a convenience store and talks about how Genovese ruled in a case. De spokeswoman tells about how Genovese ordered a store owner to pay for injuries received by an elderly shopper in de store while de store wuz bein robbed, an not de criminal who wuz caught responsible for de injuries.
Dis one will get hot before it’s over.
Coach Glenn Brings Pride To SWLA
All uf us are really proud uf Barbe Coach Glenn Cecchini, who coached de U.S. team to a under-18 world championship in Cuba.
Coach Glenn haz led de Barbe Bucs to several state championships. We are really proud uf you, coach.
Hardy Iz New Council Member
District 3 Sulphur City Council member Veronica Allison resigned Oct. 3.
Allison wuz replaced by Melinda Hardy, who will serve until a special election can be helt on March 25. Hardy haz not sed if she will be runnin at that time.
Allison wuz ruled to be ineligible to hold dat city council seat, since she worked full time for de Calcasieu Parish Clerk uf Court.
Party Members Attackin Dar Own
It iz very seldom dat you see party members attackin dar own. But dat’s not de case in de U.S. Senate race.
Fleming an Boustany are attackin John Kennedy over campaign funds bein moved, and Fleming accuses Boustany of doin de same.
Meantime, Foster Campbell iz attackin Carolyn Fayard, accusin her uf acceptin campaign funds illegally. Campbell an Fayard are both Democrats.
Police Jury Movin On Drainage Problem
Everyone in de parish iz concerned about drainage, an we have seen areas flood in de las year dat had never flooded before.
Well, de Calcasieu Parish Police Jury sez they are doin sometin about it.
A parishwide meetin wuz helt for citizen input recently. We hope dat jurors use de information gathered to move forward and improve drainage for de long term.
SPD Expandin
De Sulphur Police Dept. is gonna have mo space soon. Jus recently, de city helt ground breakin for an enlargement to de Sulphur Police building. De enlargement will mean mo space for computers, office equipment, etc. Work will begin immediately.
What You Need To Know About Breast Cancer
We’ve seen NFL Players — an just about everybody else — wearin pink to promote awareness about breast cancer.
Everyone who reads dis publication haz been affected by breast cancer, or knows someone who haz had breast cancer.
Here are tings you can do:
— Discuss de importance, benefits and risks of breast screenin with your doctor.
— Refrain from alcohol, or drink in moderation.
— Have regular examinations, and perform self-exams regularly.
— Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
— Eat a well balanced diet to keep a good weight.
Remember, breast cancer will be diagnosed in 247,000 women and 2,700
men dis year.
Deep Taughts While Watchin SNL
10) Alec Baldwin looks just like Donald Trump.
9) Will Trump carry Calcasieu Parish?
8) Can McNeese finish de season strong?
7) Why does everyone go crazy about my gumbo?
6) When is dat KPLC announcer gonna get Agnes Derouen’s name right?
5) What does a Mississippi fella like Ben Terry know about gumbo?
4) Why has my fran Max been so grumpy lately?
3) Is Bama gonna win anudder national championship?
2) What is t-claude’s meanin uf “borrowed”?
1) Iz anybody gonna go to jail in de Wells Fargo mess?
Final Shot
American Express called Lefty an told him he could leave without it. He said “No problems — guess what I got in my wallet.” I tink Lefty haz been watchin way too much TV.
‘Til next time, lache pas la patate.
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