Pierre Sez Thursday, February 18, 2016 Comments Off on YOU’D A THUNK LAKE CHARLES WUZ DE STATE CAPITOL

Recently, dar wuz such a gadderin uf State Officials in Lake Charles, you’d have thought dat they’d moved de state capitol from Baton Rouge to Lake Charles. While Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser wuz speakin to de Louisiana Travel and Promotion Assoc., Gov. John Bel Edwards wuz speakin to de Louisiana Oil and Gas Assoc.

Meantime, later in de day, State Treasurer John Kennedy wuz speakin to de folks in de oil bidness tellin dem he wuz gonna run for de U.S. Senate, finally. An at de same time, he wuz bashin Edwards. Still, later dat night at de Chamber Southwest Banquet, Edwards wuz tellin folks how it wuzn’t gonna be easy, but he wuz gonna work hard to improve de states financial picture. Nungesser tol de LTPA members, who work so hard to bring tourism to our state, dat he wuz gonna work hard to bring more tourism to our state.

In udder words, de same cackle and cluck we have heard from state politicians for a long time. Wit a new group, maybe we gonna see different results, but don’t hold your breath. Me, I can tell you dat folks iz ready for a change an they don’t want to wait any mo. If you don’t buy dat, jus look at de national elections.

An we can assure you dat if we don’t start seein some changes in our state, we ain’t gonna be waitin 4 years for anudder election to vote de rascals out uf office. We gonna start seein some impeachment procedures. If you don’t buy dat, den you didn’t talk to a bunch uf oil and gas boys an folks in de tourism bidness like I did.

To quote a line from a movie  “we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more.”

Way To Go Willie

Congratulations to local bidness leader Willie King, who wuz named citizen uf de year at de Chamber uf Commerce banquet helt recently. Willie is a hard working man who haz done much for his community an he continues to make tings happen in de lake area.

We know he won’t be bragging about dis award, because he’s just not dat kinda feller, so we will do de bragging for him. Helping young and old alike is his way uf doing tings, an there ain’t no indication he’s going to let up — award or no award. We are proud to call Willie a friend.

PJ Needs To Take Action

Az you have seen in de media, de police jury haz been goin around wit fancy Power Point presentations tellin folks what de plans are to stop floodin in our area. Now, dem fancy dog an pony shows are jus dat. Day don’t help folks who flood every time dars a shower. Nor does it take into consideration dem developers who iz building all over de area an will be long gone when de floodin caused by dar building takes place.

Now, already jurors are po mouthin about not havin de money to fix de floodin problems in our area. It iz our hope dat dem elected police jurors remember dat they better do sometin about parish floodin — present an future — or we’re gonna turn into anudder Beaumont, where it wuz neglected for years, an now de whole town looks like a rice patty afta a small shower.

Maybe It’s Time For Anudder Study

About 10 years ago, de Chamber had a study conducted to see what kinda airport needs we had in dis area. De study showed dat dar wuz a need for some serious consolidation uf airports to make sure we had fewer airports an better service. Well of course, politics entered into de picture on dis report, az it normally enters on a lot uf studies dat would save taxpayers money. De report wuz trashed an we continue to see duplicate services.

We also see a Lake Charles airport dat iz growin at a snails pace while our economy iz getting ready to burst at the seems. In 2012, Lake Charles Regional Airport served 112,000 passengers. Last year, dat number had jumped to only 136,000. Now de question iz, would they have shut down de airport had de numbers gone down … of course not. An de next question iz, do we need an air port in Sulphur, DeQuincy and across town in de name uf Chenault. And do we name de aforementioned International airports. We would guess not.

But maybe it’s time to hire anudder group to do anudder study dat will be trown in anudder trash can.  In udder words, let’s trow mo money at it. My fran Jim, who iz a pilot, haz long talked about an airport to de Northeast uf here dat would service de real southwest Louisiana area wit better service to Dallas an Atlanta at a lower cost to our area. But dat would make common sense, an common sense can’t possibly enter into de picture dat iz known az politics.

Stop Feeing Us To Death

Just like Bobby Jindal wuz tellin folks he had not raised taxes  — but he wuz shore taggin on a lot uf fees — such iz de case wit our colleges an universities. An article in de Baton Rouge paper recently pointed out dat college fees have increased by at least 100 percent in de last 10 years. Since 2005, McNeese haz jumped fees by 280 percent, topped only by Southeastern and La. Tech.

Now these fees are being assessed, because de state haz slashed aide by more dan half at 4-year schools in our state. Schools have to find the money somewhere, an so fees for everyting from de school newspaper to Burton Coliseum increase.

For dem parents who have hopes dat tops will take care uf dar smart student … tink again. Tops covers tuitions and not fees. An if you tink dis is de end uf it, tink again. Gov. Edwards iz already talking cuttin higher education.

If tings keep up dis way, dar will soon be no difference between a masters an a 3rd grade education in our state.

Let’s See Dem Bring Home De Bacon

For de las 4 years, our area had House Speaker Chuck Kleckley, who watched out for Southwest Louisiana. Judgin from Gov. Edwards’ recent appointments, and hiz blessing on udder appointments, we are gonna be in pretty good shape for de next four years … an possibly 8.

Sulphur State Rep. Mike Danahay haz been named chairman uf de House Govermental Affairs Committee. He iz one uf only four Democrats appointed to Chairmanships by House Speaker Taylor Barras.

On de senate side, Dan Morrish wuz named chairman uf de Education Committee. Meantime, former Calcasieu District Attorney and State Attorney General Richard Ieyoub was named Commissioner uf Conservation. Senator Ronnie Johns wuz previously named to several committees by Senate President John Alario.

Let’s watch all dem carefully, folks, an see what kinda bacon they bring to Southwest Louisiana.

Let’s Make It Even Mo Screwed Up

It wuz mentioned in de las issue dat a lawyer had ruled dat de LHSAA policy uf “select schools” playing for state championships against dar own only wuz against de law. High school principals who radder eat dar young dan part with a dollar went to de state LHSAA convention tinkin dat it would go back to de ol system.

Not so, my fran. Instead uf goin back to football competition, de group — by a vote uf 182-120 margin — voted to expand completion to include basketball, girls basketball, baseball and softball.

No one saw dis comin, an one haz to suspect dat de trophy lobby wuz behind dis. In udder words, let’s take a mess an make it an even bigger mess. But dis is Louisiana, an politics iz alive an well, even in our schools too.

Iz Dis De Year?

ESPN iz sayin LSU haz de bes recruitin class uf de year. Me, I can tell you they got one uf de bes quarterbacks in de country in Lindsey Scott from Zachary. Now, he had committed to Syracuse, but changed hiz mind an decided on de Tigers. Dis iz sometin de Tigers have been needin for de last 4 years.

Me, I can tell you he’s de best quarterback I’ve ever seen in high school … an I’m old enough to have seen both Manning Boys. Sorry, not quite old enough to have seen their daddy.

Cowboy Basketball Shapin Up

Havin watched Incarnate Word beat St. Johns uf New York by 20 points on t.v., I didn’t give de struggling Cowboys much chance against dem. But de Cowboys showed dat they mean to finish de season strong by beating Incarnate Word by 2 points here.

Now, let’s see if they can continue on a roll an win de Southland Conference Championship … Geaux Gold and Blue.

Deep Taughts While Watchin College Hoops On ESPN

10) How many millions will LSU’s Ben Simmons sign for?

9) Can de McNeese basketball arena be finished for next season?

8) Will Governor Edwards be able to fix our states money problems?

7) How many will jump into dat U.S. Senate race?

6) Why does my wife, Sedonia, keep naggin me about draggin dirt into de house?

5) Why does T-Claude put so much heat in hiz boiled crawfish?

4) Why does my kitchen look like a war zone when Sedonia iz gone for a day?

3) Does it look like Gov. Edwards haz enough uf John Kennedy bashing our state gubment?

2) Will we see any famous candidates in our area for de presidential primaries?

1) Can I bring Lefty ceegars and liquor while he’s in jail?

‘Til next time, lache pas la patate.

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